Monday, September 28, 2009

ICBW: At SPX in Bethesda MD

This weekend I attended the Small Press Expo in Bethesda MD and brought a flyer to each and every exhibitor in the hall, telling them about the idea and the site. I met people who ere aware of various aspects of the idea: They had heard about it from Tony Shenton, or they were aware that Diamond was not shipping books that week, but few had all the info.

I talked to everyone I could. If I saw someone wearing a retailer or press badge I called them to my table and hit them with the concept. We should see Indy Spinner Rack doing something on this idea soon.

I asked everyone to talk to their local retailers about getting their books into shops the week after Christmas. Time is shorter than we think. We need to contact our retailers directly, and ask them to put flyers up in their stores. I have a PDF of the flier I handed out that I can email to anyone interested.

If some inspired artist wants to design a poster that can be printed out to display in stores, that might be a good idea. I also think some tee shirts could be made available on a site like Zazzle (and you can set the price so that there is no profit to make them available as cheap as possible.)

The important thing: Over 300 Indy Comic creators were directly approached by me, handed a flier with this websites address, and given a personal pitch about how important this event might be. The next step is to harness the talents and energies of these people into a true grassroots phenomenon that makes Free Comic Book Day look like an old style Marvel skip week.


  1. Thanks for spreading the word, Steve. You are a bonafide badass for doing so. I think the shirt, poster and zazzle ideas are all excellent, and I know we've got one of those already on the docket. I'll chat with Luan to see about the others. Glad you had a good time at the show. I really want to make it out to that one next year.

  2. Seriously, Steve good sir, you rock the cashbah.

  3. great hustle steve! you can email me that PDF at ghettomanga [at]

  4. Hey Steve and co. I'm not gonna have a book together in time for Indy Comic Book Week, but I want to do what I can to support the movement. There are a few shops I go to here in Los Angeles, and I'd be happy to take flyers to 'em and present the idea to the folks working there. You can email the flyer to me at

    This idea is killer, and I'd love to see it succeed year after year.



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