Saturday, October 24, 2009

Hermit Hill the Comic Strip

This weekend I completed putting together my book, Hermit Hill the Comic Strip, and here is the finished cover. The comic book is a collection of my ongoing comic strip, Hermit Hill. It features all brand new, never before printed strips! Fresh content just for Indy Comic Book Week. The finished files were sent off to the printer today (the awesome Ka-Blam!), so I'll get the printed books in plenty of time to ship them out to retailers.

Hermit Hill the Comic Strip book is a one shot, promotional project. It is written and drawn by me, indy cartoonist Nate Bramble. The book is a 20 page, standard sized comic with a full color cover, black and white interiors, with a cover price of $2.00.

If you are a retailer interested in stocking this book as part of ICBW please contact me via email, nate(at)hermithillcomic(dot)com, and be sure to check out my web site,, for more information about my comic strip!


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