Monday, December 7, 2009

ICBW Retailer update 07

Alright kids, time for the Big Goodbye. This will be our last retailer update for ICBW so take note. I'm first going to list all of our new shops and then all the previously listed ones. As always these shops will be reflected on the site proper in the next day or so, but this is going to be your master list.

New Shops:
Shops previously listed:
And I'm out! Thanks to all of these retailers for making ICBW a success and particularly for supporting all of our indy creators and titles. Big round of applause for all our retailers!


  1. Applause! Already the ICBW orders have exceeded my wildest expectations. There are always "indy friendly" lists floating around the net, but the above shops have really stepped up to the plate. Thank you for that.

    To the shops that have asked for some SPY GUY and POSSUM comics, your packages went out in the mail today.

    If any new shops are interested in checking out the funny-books, you can flip through the online previews here:

    SPY GUY #1


    There should be just enough time to get them across the boarder to you.

    Thanks again for supporting Indy Comics!


  2. Black Cat Comics in Salt Lake City is supporting too!


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